nature science history

How Aliens Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2018

Here we go again. It’s New Year’s Eve. We’ll soon be in the future.

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Our similar posts from previous years might have given you an idea of how we, ufonauts on a mission to extract the juice of the Internet, celebrate New Year’s Eve. It ain’t gonna be different this year either. As you can see, we are warming up already and the orchestra is tuning up too.

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Image credit: Star Wars

Everything else is ready for the party too:

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It will eventually evolve into something like this:

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Image credit: JD Hancock

And then comes the new year and it’s hard to remember it all…

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Tri-Lakes UFO Conference, Passed out alien at banquet

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Written by Tamás Varga
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A sociologist and English major by degree, I've worked in the area of civil society & human rights and have been blogging in the fields of travel, nature & science for over 20 years.
Earthly Mission