Best Heavy Metal Memes (Continued)

Our post with the 10 best heavy metal memes proved to be rather popular, and in one of the Facebook groups it triggered a rain of further metal memes which are equally entertaining. Ufonauts Tibor, Gabor, and especially Zoltan, thanks for showing us that there are more best metal memes than just 10.

best metal memes part2 1 best metal memes part2 2 best metal memes part2 3 best metal memes part2 15best metal memes part2 5 best metal memes part2 6 best metal memes part2 9 best metal memes part2 10best metal memes part2 8b best metal memes part2 11 best metal memes part2 12b2best metal memes part2 14

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Written by Tamás Varga
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A sociologist and English major by degree, I've worked in the area of civil society & human rights and have been blogging in the fields of travel, nature & science for over 20 years.

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